30km Google Campaign map defined as contact area, and to be modified by Map editor. To be posted soon!
Hello gazfun,
a long time ago I had worked out the map (I'm using yours as an example) this way with a river and
omitting of course the Po given the limitations of the game engine and editor (I pleaded my case to JMM
to have one smaller river as a branch coming out of a larger river, or stand alone like Alpone ect)
Making streams and a few together side by side can have a reducing effect, on movement, thats the only way we got around that
- marshy ground to the south following the historical narrative
- one wood bridge at Goito and one across (A22) to Bagnolo S Vito the rest stone.
- 3 castles /forts (google sketchup has a model and can be seen on google earth)
the semicircle around Mantua must be big because the area has to hold 4 buildings castles and city.
JMM to busy then to workout the new building for Histwar and told me that HW not a siege engine (no siege logarithm needed bombardment dislodges defenders)
oob Enrico Acerbi (with some artistic license)
For the French side the attack would come from Pradelle , w Austria defending
For the Austrians the attack would come from Borgoforte the bridge over the Po( in HW 1 open fields no sec river) in stages of reinforcements to simulate river crossing.
I scrapped the project because of not enough knowledge base to build the new buildings
myself in HistWar, and busy with work not too much time for HW.