Auteur Sujet: Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2  (Lu 41480 fois)

Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #45 le: 02 septembre 2012, 19:41:37 pm »
For every 100 or more people that buy a game, only 1 person will play it Multi player. The biggest market is for SP. So although a dedicated server would be very helpful for MP gaming, that is not what is limiting the game sales.

SOW Gettysburg offers a dedicated server and a TS server for people to meet, this is not very expensive and will help in promoting MP games.

The game is not selling that much it is because the CONCEPT OF BEING ONLY THE CIC IS NOT APPEALING but to a MINORITY of people.

If Histwar wants to sell more, there should be micromanagement options, more to do.
Those that want to play in the current format will be able to do so, those that want to micromanage should be able to do so also.
SOW has less options overall than histwar, histwar has much more potential in my opinion.
SOW is selling more because it allows micromanagement.

No matter how good the AI is, the unit AI will not behave as well as one would want it to.  Sure there were delay in order transmissions historically, but also human commanders improvised, took initiative and sometimes disobeyed orders or anticipated orders based on the situation. An AI will never be able to take all these into account, that is why there should be options to take complete control and micromanage if one wants to.
The sheer number of units will ensure that this micromanagement will remain localized and not involve all units.

That is my humble opinion.

« Modifié: 02 septembre 2012, 19:45:29 pm par von_Clausewitz »
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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #46 le: 02 septembre 2012, 20:43:21 pm »
Of course SOW allow micronagement but if you play at realism level the orders to regiments are anyway subjected to courier time. In HW at grognards level the orders for the regiments are immediate: so at the current status is the realism which is not completed. Of course more options for micro management will be great and division\bridgade level will add more but of course all the order types must be coherent with the order delay set.
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Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #47 le: 02 septembre 2012, 23:43:36 pm »
Yes, if you play with Historical settings then orders to regiments should suffer a delay which is the time it takes the order to go from the corps/division or brigade commander to the unit....
However there should be an option to play with normal settings where orders are instantaneous.
That would allow more players to play it.

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Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #48 le: 03 septembre 2012, 00:09:37 am »
Micromanagement only appeals to those who love fiddling with technology, in fact in my opinion its an addiction.  And leads to other health problems in fact. Ive seen people pouring over there smart phones, while they are walking and bump into other people, and objects yes it would appeal to those people. LOL  Online games where every decision has to be made on your smartphone through the day otherwise you will miss out on invading someone elses planet, this is extreme gaming, for addicted people.

Sure there are times where there is a mathamatic impass which you have to to solve at micromanagement level once in a battle. HWLG alows Micromanagement, but I love playing against those who do micromanagement because these people have in all essence lost the big picture of the battle and is far more stressfull. Like seeing only trees in a forest rather than the forest, which is made up of trees.

Let not be run by the lowest common denominator in every case please, lets have a little bit of a higher goal in mind please.  Theres too much of everyone having to lower themselves to the lowest possible base in everything these days, and all being the same, as the lowest possible standard.

How can one sour with eagles, when the only choice you have is to run around with the Turkeys.   

Appels microgestion seulement à ceux qui aiment jouer avec la technologie, en fait, à mon avis, son une dépendance. Et conduit à des problèmes de santé, en fait. Ive vu des gens là-bas verser sur les téléphones intelligents, alors qu'ils se promènent et bosse dans d'autres personnes et d'objets oui, il ferait appel à ces gens. LOL jeux en ligne où chaque décision doit être prise sur votre smartphone grâce à la journée, sinon vous allez passer à côté envahir quelqu'un d'autre planète, c'est de jeu extrême, pour les personnes dépendantes.

 Bien sûr, il ya des moments où il ya une impasse mathamatic que vous avez à résoudre au niveau de microgestion une fois dans une bataille. HWLG microgestion alows, mais j'adore jouer contre ceux qui font microgestion parce que ces gens ont dans toute essence a perdu la vue d'ensemble de la bataille et est beaucoup plus stressant. Comme de voir que des arbres dans une forêt plutôt que la forêt, qui est constituée d'arbres.

 Ne laissez pas être exécuté par le plus petit dénominateur commun dans tous les cas s'il vous plaît, permet d'avoir un peu d'un objectif plus élevé à l'esprit s'il vous plaît. Theres trop de tout le monde d'avoir à se baisser à la base le plus bas possible dans tout ce que ces jours-ci, et tous étant les mêmes, comme la norme la plus faible possible.

 Comment peut-on aigre avec des aigles, lorsque le choix que vous avez est de courir avec les dindes.
« Modifié: 07 septembre 2012, 12:50:51 pm par gazfun »
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Hors ligne von_Clausewitz

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #49 le: 03 septembre 2012, 04:06:30 am »

You must be confusing micromanagement with click frenzy games.
Giving more to do to the player does not necessarily mean he needs to have a click fest.
Also micromanaging something and seeing the overall strategic picture are not mutually exclusive.
I honestly found your post insulting.

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Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #50 le: 03 septembre 2012, 04:20:04 am »

You must be confusing micromanagement with click frenzy games.
Giving more to do to the player does not necessarily mean he needs to have a click fest.
Also micromanaging something and seeing the overall strategic picture are not mutually exclusive.
I honestly found your post insulting.

I cant see how?
Im speaking in General terms, nothing was indicated towards you at all.  Im speaking in jonre terms, lets please keep it that way, nothing personal was meant.
Je ne peux pas voir comment?
 Im parler en termes généraux, rien n'a été indiqué vers vous tous. Im parler en termes jonre, veuillez permet de garder de cette façon personnelle rien, cela voulait dire.
« Modifié: 07 septembre 2012, 12:51:52 pm par gazfun »
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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #51 le: 03 septembre 2012, 04:26:33 am »
Histwar will sell more really if there is better graphics. And look like there will be.

Unfortunatley for the case where people buy, a lot of people put value into that, I dont.
So as the 3D soldiers are looking better the terrain looks better, I believe this is a major change, and more people playing the game.
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Hors ligne [NBC]Friant

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #52 le: 03 septembre 2012, 10:50:49 am »
The whole concept of histwar is based around the fact that you shouldn't need to micromanage heavily, making changes to enable micromanagement must surely mean changing the whole core of the game?
The graphics will increase the popularity of the game, but from my personal point of view, I would pay a lot of money for this game because I like it, the game may sell thousands of copies but it will be the enjoyment of the mp that will keep people actively playing it.
What Gazfun has said is very much sums up how I feel about it.

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #53 le: 03 septembre 2012, 11:09:21 am »
Your debate is very interesting but it needs another topic!

This one is for suggestions for Histwar 2

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #54 le: 03 septembre 2012, 11:30:42 am »
Your debate is very interesting but it needs another topic!

This one is for suggestions for Histwar 2
What would you suggest?  :D
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Online most times @Skype "The Generals HQ or gazfun. Friday 1900hrs +10 GMT join us if you can!,118.0.html
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Hors ligne [NBC]Friant

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #55 le: 03 septembre 2012, 12:13:07 pm »
Yes this is about suggestions for histwar 2, but suggestions are being made that it should be more like ?? or ??.  ;)
I've made a few suggestions throughout this topic and see you have put some of them on your first post which is good.
The thing is the game facilitates micro-managing now if you so wish (every unit in fact), but it is not the essence of histwar?
Finally, the Regimental AI takes care of every Regiment on the battlefield. For example, an active infantry AI controlled unit will automatically send a battalion towards a threatened flank or order a defensive infantry square formation in the presence of enemy cavalry. The underlying tactics for the Regiments are mirrored from real historical engagements and tactics guidelines, and are customizable through the powerful Unit Doctrine Editor.
The AI is programmed down to regimental level.
The more micro management then the more complicated it must become?
We need to focus on the fact that this is a tool for building Nap battles, any Nap battle in fact, so the bigger the data bases that can be added to and accessed by players the better?
« Modifié: 03 septembre 2012, 12:56:05 pm par [NBC]Friant »

Hors ligne Uxbridge

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #56 le: 03 septembre 2012, 19:03:09 pm »
I would like to see more feedback when orders are given. In reality, when a CinC sent a staff officer to instruct a corps commander to advance, the officer returned and informed that the order was delivered and his opinion on when it was to be obeyed. We do not get this in HW - we issue orders and then either see that the units are moving or that nothing is happening. The brief status messages are not sufficient and not historically accurate. If you are the CinC then your staff will be watching and keeping you informed. All the information about what units are doing is already in HW so it is a question of how this is communicated to the player.
I would also love to have this information pop-up,  in the same way that in Gettysburg SoW you see the courier arrive and then deliver his message.  I don't like the flashing despatch case icon. I want to feel that officers are riding up to me and delivering their messages, not passively waiting for me to click on something to read it. Battle is about being bombarded with information and your Chief of Staff (in the form of the pop-up message) should be forcing you to see the crucial messages.

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Re : Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #57 le: 03 septembre 2012, 19:07:28 pm »
I would like to see more feedback when orders are given. In reality, when a CinC sent a staff officer to instruct a corps commander to advance, the officer returned and informed that the order was delivered and his opinion on when it was to be obeyed. We do not get this in HW - we issue orders and then either see that the units are moving or that nothing is happening. The brief status messages are not sufficient and not historically accurate. If you are the CinC then your staff will be watching and keeping you informed. All the information about what units are doing is already in HW so it is a question of how this is communicated to the player.
I would also love to have this information pop-up,  in the same way that in Gettysburg SoW you see the courier arrive and then deliver his message.  I don't like the flashing despatch case icon. I want to feel that officers are riding up to me and delivering their messages, not passively waiting for me to click on something to read it. Battle is about being bombarded with information and your Chief of Staff (in the form of the pop-up message) should be forcing you to see the crucial messages.

Just wait for version 04... the next one.. very soon!!!  ;)
A new feature is included in this next package too...


Hors ligne Uxbridge

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #58 le: 04 septembre 2012, 13:49:21 pm »
Looking forward to it, JMM
Has anyone seen my leg?

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : Suggestions pour Histwar 2/ Suggestions for Histwar 2
« Réponse #59 le: 04 septembre 2012, 18:13:35 pm »
Just a question for JMM about the F4 view, is it going to be developed with the next versions
of Histwar? I refer to the Thread "F4 a question for JMM" opened in this section of the forum.
As discussed, I'd like to see a detailed map, possibly :

- improvement on terrain details (woods, buildings, bridges, elevations) : give a 3d shape to objects
- substitute 1 soldier x battalion with more soldiers (just like miniatures games)... no need for     animations

I see the F4 view as a solution for those who don't have a powerful pc and prefer to manage Histwar like a tabletop game

thanks in advance
