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Some Questions
« le: 06 avril 2004, 21:56:49 pm »
Hello Jmm, first off let me say I just stumbled across this site and love what I have seen so far. I know you have probably been asked this many times, but you do have a rough estimate on when it will be available for purchase? Also, I was wondering if you every heard of someone called Dr. Peter Turcan? He created a game called Battalia that resembles LGAA and Les Grognards (though it is not as well done). I was just curious because the games look so much a like as far as game play and the way in which the graphics are being handled (though it looks like you have made a lot of improvements on the Graphics since LGAA).


Hors ligne JMM

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Re: Some Questions
« Réponse #1 le: 06 avril 2004, 22:33:48 pm »
Citation de: "Riffraft"
Hello Jmm, first off let me say I just stumbled across this site and love what I have seen so far. I know you have probably been asked this many times, but you do have a rough estimate on when it will be available for purchase?

Very good question  :!: I don't want answer because I don't know!
But you want a rough estimate  :arrow: Good thing  :arrow: maybe 3 or 4 months  :!: No more  :!:

Also, I was wondering if you every heard of someone called Dr. Peter Turcan? He created a game called Battalia that resembles LGAA and Les Grognards (though it is not as well done). I was just curious because the games look so much a like as far as game play and the way in which the graphics are being handled (though it looks like you have made a lot of improvements on the Graphics since LGAA).

I know Battalia. I began the design 11 years ago :!: and I didn't know Peter Turcan. I think there are some important differences between these 2 designs. But the 2 ones try to place the player into the center of his army.



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« Réponse #2 le: 06 avril 2004, 23:21:55 pm »
JMM I wasn't suggested you copied him :). I just thought it was curious that both games were using a similar method for displaying extremely large number of troops. 3 or 4 months isn't that long, I can't wait to buy the game. I love the concept and the possibilities are endless as far the different kinds of wars you can cover with the engine (Roman, ACW, Medieval, even World War I).  I also love the command structure that you are using for the game. One last question, is there going to be a commander locked view in the game? Meaning you can play where you can only see from the perspective of the commander. I know it would increase the difficulty, but it would be something that you could use after you have mastered the game using the FOW. Imagine the challenge of playing only from the commanders perspective using the FOW option :).


Hors ligne JMM

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Re: Thanks!
« Réponse #3 le: 06 avril 2004, 23:43:21 pm »
Citation de: "Riffraft"
JMM I wasn't suggested you copied him :).

No problem for me :D I discovered P Ducan after LGAA coming up  8)
He has made a good work. I don't know if he continues.

I just thought it was curious that both games were using a similar method for displaying extremely large number of troops. 3 or 4 months isn't that long, I can't wait to buy the game. I love the concept and the possibilities are endless as far the different kinds of wars you can cover with the engine (Roman, ACW, Medieval, even World War I).  I also love the command structure that you are using for the game.

I hope all run fine. From -2000 to 400... from 1700 to 1899... I think the engine will run right for this epoch... no sure for WWI!

One last question, is there going to be a commander locked view in the game? Meaning you can play where you can only see from the perspective of the commander. I know it would increase the difficulty, but it would be something that you could use after you have mastered the game using the FOW. Imagine the challenge of playing only from the commanders perspective using the FOW option :).

There are some options.. One of them is : You are the CinC and You see what you see... no more! You have to move the CinC to choose another point of view :wink: You are right to say 'it would be something that you could use after you have mastered the game using the FOW'.

Best Regards,

Hors ligne Bil H

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Re: Thanks!
« Réponse #4 le: 08 avril 2004, 18:13:21 pm »
Citation de: "JMM"

There are some options.. One of them is : You are the CinC and You see what you see... no more! You have to move the CinC to choose another point of view :wink: You are right to say 'it would be something that you could use after you have mastered the game using the FOW'.

Hey JMM, you have my attention again!  So you are saying that in this mode the game will have a friendly FOW?


Hors ligne JMM

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Some Questions
« Réponse #5 le: 08 avril 2004, 18:45:53 pm »
Bonjour Bil...

I am no sure I understand your question...

What does "friendly FOW" mean  :?:


Hors ligne Bil H

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« Réponse #6 le: 08 avril 2004, 19:50:00 pm »
Citation de: "JMM"

What does "friendly FOW" mean  :?:

Friendly FOW = losing contact or detailed information on your own troops as well as your enemy's, as the battle intensifies.  This would add to the confusion and Commander/Player frustration level.

I have yet to see it implemented satisfactorily in a game.  This could be an opportunity for you!   :wink:


Hors ligne JMM

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Some Questions
« Réponse #7 le: 08 avril 2004, 21:06:08 pm »
Merci Bil.. I understand now friendly FOW..


Hors ligne Bil H

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« Réponse #8 le: 08 avril 2004, 21:46:30 pm »
Citation de: "JMM"
Merci Bil.. I understand now friendly FOW..

So now that you understand, can you squeeze it in?   :D  

It would be fun to give a formation a flanking order at the beginning of the battle, only to lose track of it as it moves out of sight, and then see it reappear later in the battle, or not!


Hors ligne JMM

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« Réponse #9 le: 09 avril 2004, 03:13:21 am »
There are 2 kinds of FOW...

2D View

An opponent FOW : 3 modes
a/ off: you can see all your opponent,
b/ on 1: you can see all your opponent units, but there isn't any  identification at long range [note] . (? to mark these units)
c/ on 2: you can't see the opponents if the distance is important or if these units are hidden. (no marker)

A friendly FOW : 2 modes
a/ off : you can see all your units,
b/ on : over a long range [note] (or if the unit isn't in the LOS), the marker of unit don't move and a '?' is displayed on the marker...

3D View
On : You can see only the units (opponent or friend) in your LOS.. (in the normal range).. The '?' aren't displayed.

[note] the distance is modified by the weather and the time.

Is it clear....

Hors ligne Frédéric Walther

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Some Questions
« Réponse #10 le: 09 avril 2004, 09:35:01 am »
We'll cannot avoid "friendly FOW" drawback unless JMM implements something like a "friendly/foe" system... :lol:
Talking about FOW, the Combat Mission's FOW management is not so bad.
Very long range : you identify cavalry or infantry
Long range : you can mis-identify crack or conscript troops
Short range : you perfectly know who is facing your troops.

For an enemy unit out of sight : a flag where this unit has been lately seen.

Out of your Commander's sight, you need -in addition- to wait for information send by an AdC... more expectation so more frustration... more stress !
Comte de l'Empire;Général de division Colonel majors des grenadiers à cheval de la Garde; Grand Aigle de la Légion d'honneur

Hors ligne Bil H

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Some Questions
« Réponse #11 le: 09 avril 2004, 15:15:11 pm »
JMM, sounds great.  Thanks.


Citation de: "JMM"
There are 2 kinds of FOW...

2D View

An opponent FOW : 3 modes
a/ off: you can see all your opponent,
b/ on 1: you can see all your opponent units, but there isn't any  identification at long range [note] . (? to mark these units)
c/ on 2: you can't see the opponents if the distance is important or if these units are hidden. (no marker)

A friendly FOW : 2 modes
a/ off : you can see all your units,
b/ on : over a long range [note] (or if the unit isn't in the LOS), the marker of unit don't move and a '?' is displayed on the marker...

3D View
On : You can see only the units (opponent or friend) in your LOS.. (in the normal range).. The '?' aren't displayed.

[note] the distance is modified by the weather and the time.

Is it clear....