Would you mind to precise that?
I am not sure, if I remember correctly, but I thought I read in your postings in the forum that the models and animations were fully or mostly completed. There was an info that theres still left a lot of work on the uniforms, I guess.
I am always working on the new GUI... This part needs a lot of work.. a lot, and I didn't think to spend all this time...
That said, I am beginning to run the program again in order to check all functions of this new GUI.
I try to do very simple... howeverI try to keep all informations of the old ones.
Take a look at the new icons and textures for the new GUI

So what exactly means "display of new models"? What about the guy who did the graphics before (Romain?). Is his work still implemented?
We can share the display in 2 parts:
1/ design of uniforms and 3D models + animation
2/ implementation in the game.
The first step (1) is almost finished but we have to build the animations of CAV and ART...
We keep the Romain works about the 3D models and animations of INF...
The second step (2) isn't begun : I would like to redefine the different algorithems for the management of 3D Models.
One old grognards was asking if he can help me.. and after meeting, talking about the differents activities, we have found he can work on the implementation of the new 3D models.
And one thing, that I didnt hear about for a long time is the substitude AIs of Divisions and Brigades. Is this still on the roadmap or has it been canceled?
No canceled... the algorithems for managing the Division and Brigade are written. I have to modifiy the algorithms for managing the avance of the troups in ordre to have the same system for Corps, Division and Brigade. This new system will allow to have a better control on the units.
Thank you! Best wishes for the ongoing work and of course personally too.
Thank you a lot... I am always working a lot on the game... but all advance very slowly
And I hope it is clear...