Auteur Sujet: A dream...  (Lu 6413 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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A dream...
« le: 01 mars 2004, 22:23:55 pm »

You want a napoleonic wargame  :arrow:  a dream  :!: What your wishlist is  :?:


PS to wait for the screenshots and AVIs  8)

Hors ligne Link

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A dream...
« Réponse #1 le: 01 mars 2004, 23:45:53 pm »
Bonsoir JMM,

What I've found out of Les Grognards so far Les Grognards is my dream come true.  :D
Far better than first expected.  :!:

/Lars L.
Lars L.

Hors ligne Bil H

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A dream...
« Réponse #2 le: 04 mars 2004, 16:04:46 pm »
JMM, if you are asking for a wishlist for our ideal Napoleanic game.. then here are mine:

1.  Make the orders process as realistic as possible.
2.  Allow the player to only give orders/formation commands, etc. that were actually available to his historic counterpart.
3.  Realistic orders delays, based on communication method and distance from HQ to unit.
4.  Doctrinally correct unit behaviour for each Army (ie. Prussian tactics will differ from French, etc.).
5.  Great graphics.
6.  Realistic animations and transitions between different motions (ie. from a walk to a run).
7.  Smoke and battlefield dust caused by weapons fire and troop movement (where applicable).
8.  Friendly Fog of War as well as enemy FOW.
9.  Show units down to the lowest tactical unit (even if orders are not allowed to that level)... show skirmishers, etc. if present.

That's all I can think of for now.  From what I have seen so far you have a lot of these covered already.


Hors ligne JMM

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A dream...
« Réponse #3 le: 04 mars 2004, 16:21:12 pm »
Citation de: "Bil H"
JMM, if you are asking for a wishlist for our ideal Napoleanic game.. then here are mine:

Yes, it's my question :wink:

We try to do the best... 8)


Hors ligne Le Tondu

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A dream...
« Réponse #4 le: 22 mars 2004, 04:08:26 am »
My wish would be to have a Napoleonic computer game that accurately models the strategic level with  land combat at the operational level, and the tactical level in 3D ----all at the same time.  The gamer would be able to switch between the levels at will or allow a specific level's  AI to take control of the levels where he isn't focusing his attention.

I guess that is something a lot like what you are working on JMM.

Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne kikka

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A dream...
« Réponse #5 le: 13 avril 2004, 01:30:27 am »
And, don't forget to add the diplomacy mode: treaties, alliances, declarations of war, eventually naval mod? It would be THE definitive treatment of the napoleonic wars.  Like the classic Empires in Arms, only with an integrated, accurate strategic and 3D tactical mode.

Heck, throw in the American War of 1812, and I'd be ecstatic!!

Hors ligne Frédéric Walther

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A dream...
« Réponse #6 le: 13 avril 2004, 10:37:14 am »
For sure a naval mode could be a great help to diplomacy and strategy...

Strategy because it could help to revive some naval battles or mixed battles such as Toulon, Malta or La Coruña (The Groyne), or to create events like... invasion of England  :roll:
Diplomacy because a naval mode could give opportunity for France to keep control of atlantik, to keep Louisiana; for England to "rule the waves" (As it was !) to stop the expedition to Egypt, or to implement a suffocating naval blocus of France... :cry:

Well... many available possibilities in addition to treaties, alliances, etc...
Comte de l'Empire;Général de division Colonel majors des grenadiers à cheval de la Garde; Grand Aigle de la Légion d'honneur