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« le: 17 juin 2014, 15:56:01 pm »
« Modifié: 09 novembre 2014, 17:09:58 pm par Lancier »

Hors ligne BUSSY

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Re : 'Foot Guards' (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #1 le: 18 juin 2014, 00:24:01 am »
Hello Dearest Lancer

I am delighted with the creation of the team "Foot Guards", this is great news!
And indeed, a battle is coming!  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

I hope my dear Lancer that like us, the creation of your team, encourage other players to do the same!  :D :D :D


Bonsoir Mon très cher Lancier,

Je suis ravi de la création de l'équipe des "Fellow Ggenerals", c'est une grande nouvelle !!!
Et  effectivement, une bataille est à venir  !!!  :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

J'espère mon cher Lancier que tout comme nous, la création de votre équipe, incitera d'autres joueurs à en faire autant !!!  :D :D :D

« Modifié: 17 octobre 2014, 23:20:24 pm par BUSSY »

Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : 'Foot Guards' (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #2 le: 23 juin 2014, 23:37:48 pm »
Bravo à cette nouvelle équipe !! Au plaisir de vous rencontrer sur le près. ;)

Hors ligne redhot8359

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Re : 'Foot Guards' (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #3 le: 28 juin 2014, 16:15:19 pm »
Longue vie à l'équipe "Foot Guards". Au plaisir de vous rencontrer sur le pré!!  ;)
Gl de div Fournier-Sarlovèze, le sabreur extravagant

Hors ligne redhot8359

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Re : Re : 'Foot Guards' (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #4 le: 29 juin 2014, 12:22:54 pm »
Thank you redhot ... I think we both use hwlg ver2.3b2 now so will be possible to meet on fields soon.  ;)

With great pleasure Cooke  ;)
Gl de div Fournier-Sarlovèze, le sabreur extravagant

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #5 le: 03 octobre 2014, 03:34:07 am »
 :shock:   Lt Gen zuPferd...   its an honorary appointment surely  :smile:
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne Bertrand.

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #6 le: 13 octobre 2014, 22:27:37 pm »
Well done gentlemen !

Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #7 le: 29 octobre 2014, 21:09:28 pm »

A great tournament indeed, it will become even more beautiful when it is open to the entire community. ;)

Hors ligne Belliard

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #8 le: 02 novembre 2014, 09:03:51 am »
For me the bug is minimal and can not influence the outcome of a battle, as they are applied to both sides. :)
I concider as unpredictable elements of a battle, historically it is not absurd there is always paramettres of which are unpredictable. :roll:
But I understand your view, and I told you, it will always be a pleasure to meet you solo or team. ;)

Hors ligne Bruguière

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #9 le: 02 novembre 2014, 10:21:19 am »
Dear Lancier,
 Your link seems not to work... :(

Hors ligne Bruguière

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #10 le: 02 novembre 2014, 15:47:44 pm »
Dear Lancier,
For us, either, individual orders are not the ideal solution.
But sometimes face bottlenecks or slowdowns coprs orders, it is the only solution.
Soon, Brigade and Division AI will address these concerns and the game will run as planned and waited ...
Meanwhile, I think we need, some time, to adapt ...
We have software that works 99%, (at list TCP/IP mode), teams of motivated and experienced players, communication and appointments tools  and even the common rules, (ICMR).
Well.... Let's play !!! 


"Règles Internationales du Multijoueur Coopératif"
"International Cooperative Multiplayer Rules"

Options de Jeu / Game Options  :
Vue / view : Totale / Total
Visibilité / Visibility : Conditionnelle Immédiate / Conditional without delay
Visibilité amie / Visibility of allies : Inconditionnelle / Unconditional
Ordres / Orders : Différés /Delayed
Délai des ordres / Dealy of orders : Historique / Historical
Interception / Interception of orders : Active / Enabled
Saisie de ordres en 3D /  Orders in 3D view : Sur toute la Carte / On whole map
Informations / Information : Imprécises / Vague
Perte du chef de corps / Loss of corps commanders : Autorisée / Enabled
Unités galvanisées /  Galvanized units :  Autorisée / Enabled
Munitions / Adminition : Historiques (limitées) / Historical (limited)
Durée des Batailles / Duration of battles : 12h00
Vitesse de jeu / Game speed : 10s/60s

Construction des Ordres De Bataille / Ordres Of Battle construction :
Taille décidée par agrément entre les deux camps / Size determined by agreement between the two sides. 
Réalisé avec le curseur bloqué au niveau recherché / Produced with the cursor locked to the desired level.
CeH = Nombre de canons, (dont 25% de Pièces de 12 £) / CeH = number of guns (25% of 12£ guns).
880 cavaliers maximum par Régiment / Maximum 880 riders per Regiment.

Règles de jeu / Gaming rules  :
Interdiction d'utiliser le Commandant en Chef comme éclaireur / Prohibition to use the Commander in Chief as a scout.


Hors ligne Soldat Louis

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #11 le: 02 novembre 2014, 17:07:41 pm »
Dear Lancier,
I agree that too much micromanagment is not in the game spirit but as  said by other players, division order will probably solve the problem. Anyway, I  think that individual orders to few units must be maintained for the sake of historicity. That was part of the "aides the camp" duty. For example, at Auterlitz, Rapp, Gardane and Junot were involved in special missions that were decisive for the battle result. There should be ways to avoid an extensive usage of micromanagment. May be that should be included in the future versions of the game.
But for now, I also think that the game is perfectly playable in MP, even with the few problems that remain and the cavalry that is still hard to control (but much less than before).

Hors ligne Soldat Louis

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Re : Fellow Generals (FG) - Histwar MP Team
« Réponse #12 le: 02 novembre 2014, 18:50:33 pm »
Yes, Lancier, you are right. For a big tourney we need to have the few remaining issues fixed.

Hors ligne zu Pferd

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Re : ...
« Réponse #13 le: 10 novembre 2014, 16:30:01 pm »
Lancier has apparently deleted all of his posts...

I'm the other guy in Fellow Generals  ;)
I've returned from a holiday in Newfoudland Canada; the site of some action
during the '7 years War', and visited the Avalon Peninsula and St John's, one
of the oldest cities in N America.

I don't have a 'home' to go to for development of HWN so this forum is it.
A lot of people have put a lot of effort in a game with common interests ; I underline game.
The process is slow, but soon some progress will be made.
I've 'fiddled' with this game a little and will go on 'fiddling'.
The latest is a 'quadrigame plus 1'
I have no access to the depot so Lancier posted this for me.

The information to these scenarios is in English. Except for a translator I do not have
command of the French language I confess to be a supporter of French rights in Canada
and made little headway in speaking, I can read better than I can speak.

The parameters are simple for the OoB's in these 1813 scenarios :

all troops  1st line to veteran enjoy  'middle' settings in initiative and aggression (not too many good troops left after 1812 campaign)
all conscripts landwehr, deserters ect 'low' settings  in initiative and aggression  (every nation in 1813 Campaign has some of these)
all guard enjoy 'high' settings  but guard yourselves there aren't that many.
Cavalry is weak in numbers for the French side, and the Marshals are commanding (with the exception of Kulm scenario).

I know its very cheeky to be here plugging some of my work, I hope you'll forgive me, you scullywags !



« Modifié: 10 novembre 2014, 16:40:29 pm par zu Pferd »
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``