Auteur Sujet: A Small Quiz  (Lu 6216 fois)

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

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A Small Quiz
« le: 20 février 2012, 03:12:34 am »
Bonjour ou bonsoir Mssrs.

Just a small quiz .... a few questions ....

1. What does 'ERREUR Text3 319' mean when displayed at the top of the the F2 map screen?

2. Why does one never see any text displayed (ever) when 'Chapter I - Mission' of the Field Manual is selected?

3. Why does one never see any Scenario Notes (ever) displayed by LGDN EXCEPT when one manually opens the Histwar folder and selects the text file from the Scenari folder?

4. In the 'Waterloo' mod scenario (and also perhaps the variant), who is MOUTON (maybe I spell name badly) and where is NEY?

Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 20 février 2012, 03:51:26 am par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #1 le: 20 février 2012, 13:15:31 pm »
2) For later use. I think no-one wrote this until now.
4) General Georges Mouton, count of Lobau, commander of the 6th Corps at Waterloo, marshal in 1831.

Ney had no real command at Waterloo, since Napoleon was present (unlike at Quatre-Bras). So there is no reason for him to be mentioned.

I don't think it is foreseen to creata a separate command of e.g. 2 corps under a new commander. That kind of intermediate command (Army? Army Wing?) is not foreseen.
There was only one army, the Army of the North. Grouchy commanded the right wing on the 18th, just like Ney had commanded the left wing on the 16th.
« Modifié: 20 février 2012, 13:24:08 pm par DominiqueT »

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

  • Duc d’Earl
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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #2 le: 20 février 2012, 22:43:48 pm »

4) Very good!  :D .... Something new to learn every day ....

2) Can anyone else confirm this?  :?

Cordialement, DoE

Hors ligne DominiqueT

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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #3 le: 21 février 2012, 09:09:57 am »
About 2), I asked the question a long time ago, and - if my memory serves me right - that's what Jean-Michel answered.

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

  • Duc d’Earl
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Re : Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #4 le: 23 février 2012, 01:23:05 am »
About 2), I asked the question a long time ago, and - if my memory serves me right - that's what Jean-Michel answered.

Bonjour ou bonsoir Mssrs.,

About 2) .... not necessarily so .... 'Chapter I Mission' of the Field Manual is functional under certain circumstances .... it may be related to 3) somehow .... any more comments or guesses before the solution is revealed?  :)

1) is still a mystery ....  ;)

Cordialement, DoE

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

  • Duc d’Earl
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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #5 le: 24 février 2012, 01:23:45 am »
Bonjour ou bonsoir Mssrs.,

Please, gentlemen, not any? .... a few more days perhaps .... and then we strike camp .... the caissons must roll onwards ....  ;)

Cordialement, DoE

Hors ligne Duke of Earl

  • Duc d’Earl
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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #6 le: 05 mars 2012, 00:20:51 am »
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Mssrs.,

About 2) and 3) .... ok, the solution .... the Mission chapter of the Field Manual DOES function, but ONLY under certain precise conditions .... :twisted:

When a Scenario is loaded .... with the scenario text file being properly formatted  by the designer (mostly fixed character limits, fixed character field sizes, center alignment of text, and precise location of text field brackets [ ], etc.) .... then the Mission Chapter will properly (probably?) display the scenario notes for both sides (depending upon one's choice of side) when the Field Manual Page is opened, but only BEFORE the scenario is started, not after - during a game (clear?) ....
Except, on the red Exit Page, when the yellow Analyse link is selected, then the Mission Chapter (of the relevant Field Manual Page will again (probably?) display the scenario notes  .... all based upon my informal research, of course (so no guarantees!)
....  ;)

After much trial-and-error editing, I have several self-edited scenario text files that will properly display the respective English scenario notes from the designer (i.e. Elyau, Taroutino, etc.) .... :)

About 1) .... who knows  :?: (only JMM, and he's not talking) .... :p

So, I have the feeling that the Mission Chapter has not been reserved for later use can operate right now with properly formatted scenario notes ....  ;)

Please let me know if my thoughts are wrong on this small issue ....  :)

Cordialement, DoE
« Modifié: 05 mars 2012, 11:45:00 am par Duke of Earl »

Hors ligne Théodoricus

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Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #7 le: 05 mars 2012, 11:33:08 am »
Hello Duke of Earl,

About ''Mission'' chapter...

In scenarios that I posted, I use this opportunity to display text for each camp, as you can see for Taroutino for example.
This text is introduced in place of [Insert scenario A] ... and B, in the Scenari folder.
As stated in the booklet, this is a purely informational text.
It presents the context and purpose of the beginning of the battle.
It can always been accessed (before and after the beginning of the battle) via F7, then Mission.

Maybe one day JMM would give other possibilities for this ''Mission'' aspect.



Hors ligne Duke of Earl

  • Duc d’Earl
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Re : Re : A Small Quiz
« Réponse #8 le: 05 mars 2012, 11:58:27 am »
Hello Duke of Earl,

About ''Mission'' chapter...

In scenarios that I posted, I use this opportunity to display text for each camp, as you can see for Taroutino for example.
This text is introduced in place of [Insert scenario A] ... and B, in the Scenari folder.
As stated in the booklet, this is a purely informational text.
It presents the context and purpose of the beginning of the battle.
It can always been accessed (before and after the beginning of the battle) via F7, then Mission.

Maybe one day JMM would give other possibilities for this ''Mission'' aspect.



Bonjour ou Bonsoir Msr. Théodoricus,

Absolutely! .... I enjoyed reading your summary of the Taroutino Scenario (Side A & Side B) .... Sometimes, these scenario notes are couched in the form of an 'Army Bulletin' of the time period (very nice - but slightly 'altered' on the facts - as was the custom) .... Please excuse my small 'tinkering' with the content of your concise factual summary (it was done for clarity) .... Bravo, sir! .... :smile:

Cordialemant, DoE
« Modifié: 05 mars 2012, 12:00:59 pm par Duke of Earl »