Auteur Sujet: A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle  (Lu 4670 fois)

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« le: 17 avril 2010, 15:10:52 pm »
(Here an AAR by me using the suggestions i gave in this forum to have an amusing and challengig game playing Solo aginst the GT AI)

Suggestions here:,4711.0.html

Options i am using

Orders: Immediate

View: Conditional without delay

Infos: Vague

Ammunitions,Loss of Commander,Galvanised units: Histoical
« Modifié: 17 avril 2010, 15:19:41 pm par Montecuccoli »
Histwar beta tester

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #1 le: 17 avril 2010, 15:15:15 pm »
2nd Brumaire XIII year

French army under Suchet is planning an advance to Lombardy to let Austria deploy more units in Italy so helping the Grande Armee advance in Germany.

My plans are to make a strong point on Croci Hills (Croci and Croci di Sotto hamlets) and to advance with speed to Viadana, crossing the marshes on south.

V Corp (Cavalry) and I Corp (Guards) will be in reserve for future use.
Histwar beta tester

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #2 le: 18 avril 2010, 10:18:12 am »

Klenau Column is advancing to the Croci Hills on the North.

Hussars in scouting report that just behind the hamlet of Croci there is a long defensive line of Austrian infantry and some guns.

I order the Cavalry to deploy on the right of Montbrun Corp because i see some Austrian Cavalry turning Montbrun right flank in helping Klenau Column to take Croci Hills.

In the meantime Marcognet Corp is crossing the Marshes to reach Viadana
Histwar beta tester

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #3 le: 18 avril 2010, 11:32:34 am »

South sector, Pavullo and Viadana: Legrand and Marcognet spot Fresnel and Davidovich Columns, they seem to advance to Pavullo but french units take the high ground and they are confident to advance to Viadana and take that austrian LOP.

North sector, Croci and Croci di Sotto: Montbrune infantry, after a fierce volley fire, routs some austrian line infantry.
French Dragon Light horse start to pursuit the routing germans but some austrian Currassiers (maybe from Klenau or from the new spotted Provenchers Column) charge them and win the melee.
It seems that austrian cavalry will be a big problem for Montbrune if French Cavalry Corp can't cover his right flank on Croci Hills.
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Hors ligne thilio

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #4 le: 18 avril 2010, 15:42:47 pm »
Nice report Montecuccoli,

If one follow your guidelines, AI should have a sixth corps. I wonder where it is hidden  ;)  
« Modifié: 20 avril 2010, 22:20:37 pm par thilio »

Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #5 le: 20 avril 2010, 18:41:07 pm »

Time or Cavalry engagements.

On the Croci Hills the Vth French Corp (Charpienter) reaches almost its final deploy zone but Provencheres Cavalry Column seems a tough opponent.
One unit of Austrian Dragoon routs two french units of Hussars.

I order the Guard (Junot Corp) to slowly advance near the brook to form a line in support of Charpienter.

On the South austrians start marching against Legrand and Marcognet; Legrand is forced to form many squares with infantry for his cavaly can't match the austrians.
Anyway Marcognet order his artillery to support Legrand defensive squares.
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Hors ligne AJ

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #6 le: 20 avril 2010, 22:06:59 pm »
Thanks Monte for your excellent Screens and Descriptions, I am following it closely.

Hors ligne Franciscus

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #7 le: 22 avril 2010, 00:35:31 am »
Good job Monte. The map looks nice. Any chance you could post it for us to download (and why not also the OOBs ?)  ;)


Hors ligne Montecuccoli

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Re : A Solo AAR (fictional) - Viadana Battle
« Réponse #8 le: 25 avril 2010, 11:09:17 am »

On the North: Defensive Line on Croci Hills are too strong for austrians and they prefer to turn back its right flank. Cavalry battle between Charpentier and Provenchers shows that austrian cavalry is far superior than french one. Charpentier Corp is almost shattered and start routing, Junot Guard Corp deploys guard artillery to cover this rout.

On the South: After some battery duel between french and austrian artillery, Legrand and Marcognet start advancing to force the advance to Viadana.
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