Bonjour Grognards!
Napoleonic Wargame Club (NWC) Is now accepting applications for membership of those who have/will have Les Grognards.
The forum is located at: you join the Club, you will be setup with a Forum Account.
About the Club:The NWC is a traditional style format that has more of a 'roleplay' style as in outside of the games to add historical flavor to the Club there are ranks, points, medals, victory medals, nobility titles and so on that you are awarded based on the games results. Individual armies have full, normally, historical OOB's, where you are assigned to a unit, often of your choice, with Corps & Divisions.
Now this has no bearing on the games or what units you command at all in it, it is merely an added value type thing that sets our style different than a Ladder Club, not implying it is better, but it is a different style and atmosphere, which can be fun too.
As you gain ranks points et al there is a real sense of belonging to an army and a unit and in seeing the rewards you get for your accomplishments. Also the forums are usually lively and there are all sorts of different odds and ends of the sites to Newsletters, Diaries, Historical write-ups et al....
The NWC plays 11 games from various companies
(including Les Grognards), plus add-ons and has a Turn Based scoring system, but has a way of scoring Les Grognards as well.
The Club also plays a lot of Tournaments designed for members to meet each other.
So do consider joining up and any of the other fine options for playing Les Grognards. The More the Merrier as I say.
Any questions about either Clubs please contact me: Scott at -
eric2900@aol.comWe look forward to organizing Tournaments with the other LG Clubs/Clans. We don't have the Embassy forums the way some of you others do and just a heads up if you are advertising for another Clan/Club would be helpful so we can direct you to the right section and approve it in case any of our members complain.
Thanks for reading the post...we appreciate your time....