Auteur Sujet: Wish List  (Lu 198806 fois)

Hors ligne Darsh

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #315 le: 30 mai 2011, 05:34:29 am »
1)Is there graphics mod  like incresed batlefield smoke mod like in ntw and better musket sound? the ingame grapcics and audio is verry good just a little bit more jest would make it epic

2) Is there ai mod which makes it attack more? im playing on grognard dificulty and i seem to be able to push and win agisnt almost easily


Im very happy with this game is going would love to see further pacthes

Try the depot, see here:

1)For the graphical mods, I suggest the MadRussion mods (terrain and soldiers textures) and Jacquinot mods (explosion mod)
2) The AI will be optimised in the next patch but I suggest also to try the muliplayer for the best experience
3) see the depot there are many maps scenario

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #316 le: 30 mai 2011, 10:15:34 am »
Thanyou :shock: :shock: :shock: how can i add the scenarios its confusing some of them have save files and such

Hors ligne Darsh

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #317 le: 01 juin 2011, 05:43:35 am »
Thanyou :shock: :shock: :shock: how can i add the scenarios its confusing some of them have save files and such

On your histwar folder ( c:/HistWarGames/Histwar)

- Put the oob files in the "army" folder
- put the map directory in the "map" folder
- put the .sav file in the "save" folder
- put  the .txt scenario in the "scenari" folder

run histwar, load a game, select your scenario and have fun ;)

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #318 le: 01 juin 2011, 12:56:13 pm »
Thankyou darsh for the help in enjoying this game!!

To Jmm thankyou so much for your hardwork keep it up mate!

maybe add a little icon or a square like the regiments in game for aides decamp so you know where they are when you send one to the CC or make a little line that shows the planned route of aides de camp so we know if  it has a chance of getting captured or it will take hours or so to get  their and back

I saw one thread about telescope function  - I think its good idea but it is tedious but its really nice feature (thinking of that napoleon documentdrama the 2002 one  clavier or sometihng seeing through a circle with balck bacground!)

aggressive ai? like hardmode ( it is already hard being in the general staff) I meant was having the ai to only calculate the loss but not the risk of being overwhlemd (if that makes sense) so the Ai will just attack and say Heheee my army was destroyed but so was his :twisted: :twisted: ( it is hard already but I get the feeling that the ai is holding back sometimes when im losing 1 or 2 corps to thier 3 and their guard just stay back) or like a murat style (not sure) eylau charge of all cavalry corps to demolish my center and then proceeds todestroy one flankis or both lol. Maybe have an event liek having all the artilry to the front but insted make ai mass all cavalry an charge!!!!

There is also an distrubing thing If you ride with the general hq sometimes napolone just go round and round and round lol :shock: I felt dizzy about 10 or so turns this also happen with arilerry and cav regiments  I know that theres 2 engine at work but is there like a way somewhow make it more streamlined (sorry cant find any other word and not being too demanding so sorry)

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #319 le: 02 juin 2011, 04:43:51 am »
Would it help if the ranks of the soldier tighter as well as the brigade formation tighter to improve the ai patfinding? such the
----____----  maybe --__--? or -------

to --------
    --------- ?

Hors ligne AJ

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #320 le: 02 juin 2011, 15:17:03 pm »
 :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #321 le: 02 juin 2011, 21:09:32 pm »
you know when the regiments make attack column theirs a space in between the regiments and when they walk some times it takes them ages to go forward or they keep reshuflling until the enemy is firing at them

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #322 le: 08 juin 2011, 00:55:01 am »
Would there be a posible implementing of changable camera views whilst in battle? (solo mode) I hate missing grand Ai attack or my cunning plan executed due to general staff not moving for hours and hours in one place! they get stuck on bridges most ofthe time they stand there on the bridge or just 5 meteres near the bridge

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #323 le: 11 novembre 2011, 01:21:11 am »
Before releasing the game, a wish list  ;)


I have a Christmas wish for JMM  a dozen good programmers on his Team ...the ones with the green cap under his tree at Christmas !!
`` Non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed inteligere``

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #324 le: 12 novembre 2011, 21:04:25 pm »
I often play the game using the 3d symbolic view, I find it very useful in order to have an immediate idea
of what's happening on the battlefield. I like the 3d symbolic view with 3d unit animation and also with "boxes"representation. I kindly ask JMM if it's possible to improve the way buldings, bridges,woods are represented in this 3d symbolic view. Is it possible to substitute this object with small 3d symbols? I would be very happy to have the 3d symblic view looking like a miniature wargaming table:
- possibly change the terrain colour to green
- introduce little 3d buildings representing hamlet, farms,bridges,
- have 3d woods
I've already worked on buidings in 3d view using 3ds max and photoshop, hope to do a similar work with the 3d symbolic view

JMM please tell me that it is possible :mrgreen:

Hors ligne temijen88

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #325 le: 18 mai 2012, 21:13:08 pm »
Hi  I just wanted to add to the wish list. 

Would like to see the ability to save an OOB at the end and have its losses calculated in the new OOB  Right now the beginning scn OOB and the final OOB show no losses unless the unit was wiped out  ie an artillery bat that losses all its ordinance is accounted for in the saved OOB
This would be great for a campaign game where one could use the new armies potential CEH to play another subsequent battle or a "what if" battle after an historical one.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #326 le: 01 juin 2012, 03:09:46 am »
Reinforcement arrival times
Although this is an exxcellan feature, there should be a more random factor in this, becaue not many times reinforcement arrived exactly on time, because of weather leader admin ete etc. And the other reason is that you know when the reinforcements arrive only in hindsight.
Leaders didnt always know
« Modifié: 19 février 2013, 00:34:04 am par gazfun »
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Hors ligne [NBC]Friant

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #327 le: 24 août 2012, 19:18:25 pm »
To carry on from Gazfuns reinforcement request, could it be possible to have reinforcements enter a battle at any point other than the lops?
ie, nbc play a GaW campaign using hexes, sometimes reinforcements could enter the battle from north, south, east or west to reflect the position of the reinforcing corp on the campaign map, this would be a very interesting addition to our campaign battles.

Hors ligne gazfun

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #328 le: 19 février 2013, 00:38:19 am »
Add to the wish list  in the OOB editor  program taking in EiA export data. I have tested this enough now to get the right balance of troops
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