Auteur Sujet: Wish List  (Lu 198803 fois)

Hors ligne thilio

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #300 le: 07 novembre 2010, 18:28:16 pm »
Yes, I agree. What I proposed was too complicated...
The halt/resume progression is a good option for the second corps.

Hors ligne Franciscus

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My wishlist
« Réponse #301 le: 13 novembre 2010, 19:01:01 pm »
Well, now that the arty bug is apparently solved (thanks, JMM )... let's improve the game even more ! ;)

My present wishlist:

1. UI: A zoomable 2d map !
2. Graphics: Eradicate the "disco-dancing" officers; and improve textures (the ATI (flag ?) bug is nasty, although rare). Madrussian seems to be a genius in graphic modding. IMHO his work should be incorporated in-game.
3. Division/brigade working orders (a must, IMHO)
4. Ability to play as a Corps commander under AI orders (also a SUPER must, at least to me - and it was supposed to be in-game from the start, like the divisional orders...)


(PS: Do not misinterpret me, JMM. I LOVE this game. If I did not, I would not be constantly nagging you to make it better  :mrgreen:)

(Edit: And I would not mind that the Esc key menus were fixed - another misterious bug, that aparently only I have - in 2 different computers  :roll:)
« Modifié: 14 novembre 2010, 00:48:23 am par Franciscus »

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #302 le: 14 novembre 2010, 19:38:58 pm »
2d zoomable map would be useful for me too

just one more thing about the "support" order, now with the last 3RC patch it clearly works fine,
I think it would be good to recognize the units that are involved in a support link... if I see that a unit
is supporting another I also want to know which one is supported

thanks JMM   

Hors ligne thilio

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #303 le: 14 novembre 2010, 20:16:08 pm »
just one more thing about the "support" order, now with the last 3RC patch it clearly works fine,
I think it would be good to recognize the units that are involved in a support link... if I see that a unit
is supporting another I also want to know which one is supported   

You can see the blue link between the two units with F8 and then orders to units  ;)

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #304 le: 14 novembre 2010, 20:23:40 pm »
Thank you very much Thilio

Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #305 le: 23 novembre 2010, 23:24:10 pm »
I would love the ability to:

1. Save your army in the condition it is in at the end of a battle including lost troops (KIA/WIA and prisoners) without over-writing the original OOB.
2. A reinforce command in the OOB editior that can replace a percentage of lost troops from an army saved from a previous battle (would not put units over strength).
3. The ability to combine two saved OOBs into one.
4. The ability to split one OOB into 2 or more OOBs.

The above tools would be fatastic for those that want to run a campaign or a series of linked battles.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #306 le: 23 novembre 2010, 23:30:45 pm »
I would love the ability to:

1. Save your army in the condition it is in at the end of a battle including lost troops (KIA/WIA and prisoners) without over-writing the original OOB.
2. A reinforce command in the OOB editior that can replace a percentage of lost troops from an army saved from a previous battle (would not put units over strength).
3. The ability to combine two saved OOBs into one.
4. The ability to split one OOB into 2 or more OOBs.

The above tools would be fatastic for those that want to run a campaign or a series of linked battles.

pfiuooooooooooooooooooo... very very hard... but I understand the objective  ;)


Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #307 le: 26 novembre 2010, 12:54:31 pm »
LOL, ok ... just that zoom in/out function on the 2D map then ;)

Hors ligne Grog

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #308 le: 26 novembre 2010, 15:57:15 pm »
[[[before I make my wish , I have to make it clear that despite several MP games, I and many of those with whome I play are still getting our heads around the mechanics of the present game.

I also know that MP visibility is being worked on as we speak by JMM.

What isnt yet clear to me is what each of the MP players see on their screens at any one time when playing the various Fog of War settings.  Further play testing is therefore required on my part and I appologise for any misunderstandings I have. Please correct me if needed]]]

I would like a new level of command for MP players who command more than one single Corps.

In effect, a new tier of command. I'll call him a Wing Commander (WC) but he could equally command the Centre or Reserve, depending on the MP Corps allocation.

This  WC would, ideally, also be represented Graphically on 3D and 2D screens as well as the OOB and GIU.

All Fog of War unit Visibility and Order Delays would be related to him. 

His view and command of the area of the battlefield in his zone would be more immediate but still have FOW with appropriate  time delays coming from his Corp Commanders (when Conditionl and Delay settings are selected)

The Wing Commander could detatch units for souting, who would report to him first. The CiC would also retain this function and have the right to use any unit for his needs.

Unlike the present MP system, the WC's view might bear very little to that of the CiC, especially if they are on the opposite sides of the battlefield to one and other.

Players would have a more realistic picture of their part of the battlefield and be able to respond quicker, locally. On the down side, their picture of the other side of the battlefield would be much restricted, depending on the distances and terrain.

The CiC role as commander and coordinator would be elevated. He would not need to run around 'scouting'  and if his presence is required on one side, the other side does not go blind.


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #309 le: 26 novembre 2010, 23:56:58 pm »
Hello Grog, I like the sound of that, your right, it would fit in well for MP games, if it were a 2v2 there should be two "wing" Commanders, and 3 for a 3v3, so each player becomes more than a single Corps Commander, because he is in fact Commanding 2,3 or 4 Corps, not the one.

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #310 le: 28 novembre 2010, 01:55:37 am »
Your idea sounds like a good one for MP play.  Not sure how much work it would be fore JM to implement, but it would be nice to have.

Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #311 le: 28 novembre 2010, 02:04:16 am »
Fog of War settings and visibility when playing multi-player with more than one player on a side is an interesting problem. I would recommend setting FoW settings so that the information you have on friendly forces is unconditional and precise to overcome any of the weirdness outlined above.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #312 le: 28 novembre 2010, 14:39:35 pm »
I would recommend setting FoW settings so that the information you have on friendly forces is unconditional and precise to overcome any of the weirdness outlined above
I will try that today, the FOW does seem a bit strange recently, but not at all sure when it changed - if it ever did ?????.

Hors ligne Alfiere

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #313 le: 10 mai 2011, 09:00:09 am »
I want add this to wish list, with low priority.

Let assume that french have A,B,C,D  units  and russians F,G,H,i

during the battle  with FOW french spotted F and G and russians A and B
Is not possible to have on menu -units spotted from both in map F2?    only A and B (french)  and F and G for russians
This would to take a scerenshot, during battle in progress, to post on forum without danger that opponent discover important informations.
Will be more useful in future , when will be playing campaigns in progress.

« Modifié: 10 mai 2011, 15:34:58 pm par Alfiere »
Danube camp - 3rd Coaltion camp

Hors ligne Ifail

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #314 le: 30 mai 2011, 02:21:36 am »
1)Is there graphics mod  like incresed batlefield smoke mod like in ntw and better musket sound? the ingame grapcics and audio is verry good just a little bit more jest would make it epic

2) Is there ai mod which makes it attack more? im playing on grognard dificulty and i seem to be able to push and win agisnt almost easily


Im very happy with this game is going would love to see further pacthes