Auteur Sujet: Wish List  (Lu 198801 fois)

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #270 le: 18 octobre 2010, 23:45:51 pm »
First of all : the interface because a lot of people say that they don't like the present one..
After that, a new demo...
and next step, an add-on for the game with English (specific AI), Prussian and other countries..

During these steps, improvement of AI and graphics, implementation of last functions (Player + AI vs AI, Division AI, Brigade AI...)


Hors ligne defcon

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #271 le: 18 octobre 2010, 23:49:52 pm »
Wow! Great planning JMM!!! Keep on your great work!!!  :mrgreen:

Hors ligne Stoppelhopser

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #272 le: 19 octobre 2010, 18:15:12 pm »
First of all : the interface because a lot of people say that they don't like the present one..
After that, a new demo...
and next step, an add-on for the game with English (specific AI), Prussian and other countries..

During these steps, improvement of AI and graphics, implementation of last functions (Player + AI vs AI, Division AI, Brigade AI...)


Seems like good planning to me  :D

Hors ligne Andrea

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #273 le: 19 octobre 2010, 23:33:27 pm »
Great !
I'm looking for the Brits expansion,
May I ask JMM if you can give an approximate release date for the new expansion?

thanks a lot


Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #274 le: 19 octobre 2010, 23:38:13 pm »
First of all : the interface because a lot of people say that they don't like the present one..
I like it, a lot.

After that, a new demo...
Yes, we need a new demo that shows the progress that has been made since the first one.

and next step, an add-on for the game with English (specific AI), Prussian and other countries..
Excellent, is this not more important than a new interface ?.

During these steps, improvement of AI and graphics, implementation of last functions (Player + AI vs AI, Division AI, Brigade AI...)
What a game this will be when that is all completed.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #275 le: 19 octobre 2010, 23:38:56 pm »
No date..

JMM's New Doctrine...
Never give a date  ;)


Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #276 le: 20 octobre 2010, 09:53:56 am »
Hmm... Not that this matters, but after the Prussians and British join there'll have to be ANOTHER new demo.  Why not call them as reinforcements first.  It's when they turn up at the anglophone and deutsch players will look up from their miniatures, surely...
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne Petrus58

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #277 le: 20 octobre 2010, 10:55:21 am »
I agree with Gunner24 - I would place the British and Prussians ahead of a re-vamped interface.

Hors ligne Vistula_Legionnaire

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #278 le: 21 octobre 2010, 00:45:21 am »
Sounds like a great expansion.  I will happily buy it.

Hors ligne Doyley

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #279 le: 21 octobre 2010, 08:42:12 am »
Sounds great! I have no problem with the interface and I would rather see the arrival of British and Prussian forces come first, but however you do it I look forward to the result.

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #280 le: 21 octobre 2010, 16:40:00 pm »
I will happily buy it.
My CC is loaded and waiting to fire !.

Hors ligne Marquês de Alorna

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #281 le: 21 octobre 2010, 19:31:45 pm »
and next step, an add-on for the game with English (specific AI), Prussian and other countries..
I think that you should prepare the game to be more flexible, which would open endless possibilities for the future:

1) Brigades/Regiments DB for OOB development
Make the DB open and not hardwired. The players will be then able to contribute and exchange their own OOBs.
For example the naval simulator harpoon uses MS Access as the format for the weapons and platforms DB. It is very easy to add a new vessel or weapon.
Some will say: HW-LG is an historicam sim, so why letting the player build their own DBs. I have some good arguments:
- Some battles are better modeled based on Brigades rather than Regiments as the basic unit. With an open army DB, players could easily model their armies based on Brigades.
- I'm pretty sure that not all armies and conflicts of the period in question will deserve the effort of the HW-LG team. For example the Portuguese civil war (1831-1834) saw the employment of Napoleonic tactics and weapons, and can be suitably modeled with HW-LG. I would like to be able to develop Portuguese DBs for this conflict.
- Players sometimes like to design "what if scenarios".

2) The OOB editor should be more flexible, allowing the user to copy/paste units between different OOBs. Random generation of corps should allow the user to define approximate percentages for cavalry, infantry and artillery. Finally, if option 1) above is implemented, the OOB editor should allow the user to pick-up any unit defined in any available DB file.

3) The specific tactics for each nation/army should not be hardwired. The doctrine editor should allow access to all relevant parameters, and these customizable doctrine parameters should be the mechanism to make AI behavior different.

Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #282 le: 06 novembre 2010, 00:07:32 am »
First of all : the interface because a lot of people say that they don't like the present one..
After that, a new demo...


I would recommend caution here. People initially dislike the UI simply because it is different but personally I have found that very quickly it becomes second nature and is quite powerful.  Another point is that this game does not play like any other that I have seen (which is one of it's true strengths) therefore a more common UI may not work as well.

Hence it may actually be a waste of time changing the UI based upon peoples initial response upon release of the game. Maybe you should run a survey before starting any work on the UI.

What would be good is looking at the actual ease of linking orders (ie you order a corps to do A then upon completion it is to do B).


Hors ligne Cavalier

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #283 le: 06 novembre 2010, 00:09:32 am »
A new demo is a real priority. I have had a number of mates baulk at buying the game because they cannot get the present demo to play properly.

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #284 le: 06 novembre 2010, 01:53:27 am »
What would be good is looking at the actual ease of linking orders (ie you order a corps to do A then upon completion it is to do B).

Cavalier, this works pretty easilly already.  Just give your Corp an immediate order then give it a second order with an order delay and hey presto.  I usually give a 10 minute delay and it works well.