Auteur Sujet: Wish List  (Lu 197317 fois)

Hors ligne Soldat Louis

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #15 le: 13 novembre 2009, 18:59:36 pm »
To me, it would be great if in the future one could give precises instructions (itinary) to fix the path that a corps should follow until it will finally deploy. That, without the need of indicating intermediates times to the AI if not necessary. The AI will just do its best to reach the final position accordingly to the player wishes (of course with penalties if the choosen path is too demanding for the troops). It would add a lot's of adrenaline to the game :  it might be harder to stop the movement and  the risk or bad surprise would be higher than if you progress carefully by little jumps. On the order hand the game might be more enjoyable, with less writing orders to adjust the itinary. Could be very appreciated in campain mode.

It would be also great if one could give combined orders to detached units, group of units or even corps: for instance if you see that there is a gap that opens up in the opponent line, give to cavalry units order to fill it and THEN attack the ennemy on the flanc ASAP !!!. At the moment I think that the only way to do so is to give a march or deploy order to a destination and then another order with another execution time to attack (for one unit) or deploy (for a corps). Since it is hard to estimate the time it will take to deploy (for a corps), the time given to order attack might be too early (the corps is not deployed yet) or too late (the "surprise" effect will be lost!). It would be better to let the AI do the job: just by giving it the path to follow and the order to be executed when the destination will be reached (attack left, right, in front; hold the position; arrass enemy...).

It would be also nice if one could easilly detach a group of units (let's say a cavalry brigade) from a corps for special missions without to assign a new corps commander to it taken from the pool of free commanders that you have saved (just using the general already in charge). But I think that this is already planed, with a brigade or division AI)

I know that it is allowed to especially "motivate" one unit before the beginning of the battle to support the tactical plan. But it would be great if, during the battle, the commander in chief would be allowed to give only one "special order" based on standards historicals orders such as : "hold at any price", "full assault", "reach this position as fast as possible"...

And... if in the future we could reach a 1/5 scale for the game it would be great : that would narrow the intervals between the units and give a more impressive sensation of mass.

But these are just wishes, the game is already a masterpiece as it is now compared to what exists.

Congratulations !

Hors ligne Darsh

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #16 le: 13 novembre 2009, 19:05:13 pm »

And... if in the future we could reach a 1/5 scale for the game it would be great : that would narrow the intervals between the units and give a more impressive sensation of mass.

I add my vote, It would fantastic if we could choose our scale for the game (1/10, 1/5, 1/2 , 1/1  :shock:).

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #17 le: 13 novembre 2009, 19:32:23 pm »
My first wish is that nothing NOTHING at all delays the release of the game, as is, and any further items are added in patch!

That said, I would love the following for PBEMs
- an auto function that boots up my email program and auto-attaches the PBEM file to it.  I can add in the address. :)
- a little program like PBEM helper that will keep track of what games files I owe and what I have sent
- the ability to have multiplayer PBEMs

More generally
- more terrain pretties - even if they don't actually affect anything and are just there for appearence sake.  Little hedges, fields in various states (full of wheat, ploughed, fallow, etc.)
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne LNDavout

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #18 le: 13 novembre 2009, 20:16:53 pm »
Ok this is for the future:

A game Lobby is the most important thing to keep the comunity alive.

More terrain features would be cool.

A bridge train that can be used during a big battle.

maybe 5 vs 5 MP games ?

hmm. Need to play to add more ;)

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #19 le: 13 novembre 2009, 21:55:07 pm »
Actually, currently my biggest wish regarding LG is to have a few clear weeks to play it and a few friends about to play it with. ;)  Oh, and lots of sunshine and beaches in between times.   The list could go on...
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne Vorontsov

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #20 le: 13 novembre 2009, 23:56:08 pm »
WEGO mode for hot-seat. Just suggestion.

Hors ligne IRH

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #21 le: 14 novembre 2009, 07:30:36 am »
Accumulation of smoke from guns being fired.

Hors ligne JMM

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #22 le: 14 novembre 2009, 10:45:26 am »
Accumulation of smoke from guns being fired.

Done: take a look at Book1, page 42.. Indicator 'V' indicates the visibility levels. Under a level of smoke, cannon must cease firing during some minutes.


Hors ligne Mojo

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #23 le: 14 novembre 2009, 11:23:33 am »
only 1 thing on my wish list :

2009 release date guaranteed and playing it on my xmas break :)

Wishes may come true :)

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Hors ligne Marshal Oudinot

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #24 le: 14 novembre 2009, 14:40:57 pm »
Well done to JMM and all the team for getting this Sim finished :D

Vive L'Empereur.

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #25 le: 14 novembre 2009, 18:26:16 pm »
Hear hear, Mojo.

I want to play on the plane back to Australia just after Xmas!
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne Le Tondu

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Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #26 le: 14 novembre 2009, 22:15:41 pm »
Well done to JMM and all the team for getting this Sim finished :D

Vive L'Empereur.

I second the motion!
Vive l'Empereur!

Hors ligne anvil

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #27 le: 14 novembre 2009, 22:59:57 pm »
I would like to see this game system cover the whole of the Age of Blackpowder... :smile:


Hors ligne Soldat Louis

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Re : Wish List
« Réponse #28 le: 14 novembre 2009, 23:23:48 pm »
May be some of the JMM concepts could also be applicable to the well structured and organized roman and greek antic armies? And one could play the battles on 1/1 scale ! :D

But that should be after the great success of HWLG, when JMM will have a whole army of graphic designers etc etc...

Hors ligne IRH

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Re : Re : Re : Wish List
« Réponse #29 le: 15 novembre 2009, 07:08:58 am »
Done: take a look at Book1, page 42.. Indicator 'V' indicates the visibility levels. Under a level of smoke, cannon must cease firing during some minutes.


Nice :)
I was thinking of the early videos I had seen maybe a year ago.