Auteur Sujet: Artillery tests  (Lu 21569 fois)

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Re : Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #45 le: 17 décembre 2009, 03:32:40 am »
Well I'm just crap.  i marched two russian brigades against the horse 4 pdrs (which initially said there were only 4x4pdrs, then deployed at a 6+ gun battery, then (later) registered as 4x4pdr + 2 Hows).  The final regiment took out the guns but only after the other three regiments had variously panicked and wot not.  Even the victors had the hebee geebees and ran away for a bit before rallying.  Perhaps it was a post Friedland brigade with bad memories of the French artillery.

How is it that a gun takes 2 casualties per round.  what?  Does the third rank sh&$kicker dodge?  Goddam his eyes I'll have him flayed!!

Permission to tie the cowardly swine to the wheel sahhh!!!

Hors ligne Holdit

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #46 le: 17 décembre 2009, 11:11:26 am »
Well it looks like events have overtaken me, but that's great news - thanks JMM.


Hors ligne Uxbridge

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #47 le: 17 décembre 2009, 11:58:19 am »
So if I have understood JMM's post correctly, the demo is greatly overstating casualties inflicted by artillery, and when this is fixed, we should see units advance and overrun artillery when it is reasonable for them to do so, and perhaps also we will not see units 1500m from the nearest enemy guns go directly into rout mode after the first few rounds are lobbed in their general direction. This will greatly improve the feel of LG.
Has anyone seen my leg?

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #48 le: 17 décembre 2009, 13:47:56 pm »
Wow, this is the best news since the demo was released, it will make a massive difference, I had thought something was wrong with so many units routing so FAR away from the cannons, I could understand the routs better at short range, but when they were so far away......0.5 to 1k away !!!!!, it did feel wrong.

Hors ligne HarryInk

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #49 le: 17 décembre 2009, 15:03:07 pm »
Hold on there.  Put the champers away.  You realise this makes the gunners smarter!  Now they let to walk well into canister before they let rip, rout you, and get to give you a couple of extra rounds as you run (rather than slapping you in the face at extreme range where your troops, rather sensibly, would rather only briefly visit).
"But I vil not divulge any furzer informazion!"

Hors ligne Uxbridge

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #50 le: 17 décembre 2009, 15:37:27 pm »
If the cavalry continue to do their current, suicidal, unescorted sallies deep into enemy territory then the days of the unsupported battery blazing away with impunity must be numbered.  Or to borrow from a different war "There, there are your guns Lord Cardigan"
Has anyone seen my leg?

Hors ligne Gunner24

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Re : Artillery tests
« Réponse #51 le: 17 décembre 2009, 19:16:43 pm »
I'm sure the findings made by JMM will improve things a lot when they are corrected.