
HistWar (English zone) => General discussions => Discussion démarrée par: Maloyaroslavets le 02 juillet 2012, 06:00:38 am

Titre: stockach
Posté par: Maloyaroslavets le 02 juillet 2012, 06:00:38 am
can somone make a map or help me make my first battle and how to do it. also getting the boo and such in the right place please
Titre: Re : stockach
Posté par: zu Pferd le 12 avril 2013, 19:35:43 pm
Hi Malo:

Are you referring to the 1799 battle between France and Austria  25 March 1799 (1st battle of Stockach)
or the 2nd battle in 1800 ?
here is the oob (reference Wikipedia)
Source for Orders of Battle:

    (German) Kessinger, Roland. '"Die Schlacht von Stockach am 25. Maerz 1799". Zeitschrift für Militärgeschichte. Salzburg: Öst. Milizverlag, 1997-. [2006].
    Smith, Digby. The Greenhill Napoleonic Wars Data Book: Actions and Losses in Personnel, Colours, Standards and Artillery, 1792–1815. Greenhill: PA, Stackpole, 1998, ISBN 1-85367-276-9

Nazfiger may have a more precise oob in respect to  number of men in each regiment.
I also included 2 maps also from wikipedia/google   google sat map can be found as well.
I hope this is can be of use.  The small map I sent gives a scale of 20  English miles, I estimate the whole area
around 20 mi in height 30 miles in length which is beyond what is possible in Histwar at the moment. However the 30 km map might suffice.


Army of the Danube

General of Division Jean-Baptiste Jourdan commanding.  (40,000 men)
26,164 infantry
7,010 cavalry
1,649 artillery
Total=34,823, with 62 guns

    Chief of Staff: General of Division Jean Augustin Ernouf
    Engineering: General of Division Armand Samuel de Marescot
    Artillery: General of Division Jean Fabre de la Martillière

Advanced Guard

General of Division François Joseph Lefebvre
    Adj. General Jean-Baptiste Drouet
    Adj. General François-Xavier Octavie Fontaine

    Generals of Brigade Jean-de-Dieu Soult, Adolphe Édouard Casimir Joseph Mortier, Anne Gilbert de Laval

        25th Demi-brigade Light Infantry (3 battalions)
        53rd Demi Brigade Line Infantry (3 battalions)
        67th Demi Brigade Line Infantry (3 battalions)

    General of Brigade Dominique Louis Antoine Klein

        17th Dragoon Regiment
        1st Chasseurs à Cheval
        4th Hussars (4 squadrons)
        5th Hussars (4 squadrons)
        2 Foot Artillery Batteries
        1 Horse Artillery Battery
        3rd Battalion Sappers (7th Company)

First Division

General of Division Pierre Marie Barthélemy Ferino

Pierre Garnier de Laboissière

    Left Brigade: Jean-Baptiste Jacopin

        102nd Demi Brigade Line Infantry (3 battalions)
        6th Chasseurs à Cheval (4 squadrons)

    Right Brigade: Jean Victor Tharreau

        10th Demi Brigade Light Infantry (3 battalions)
        46th Demi Brigade Line Infantry(3 battalions)
        11th Dragoon Regiment (4 squadrons)
        3 Foot Artillery Batteries
        1 Horse Artillery Battery
        3rd Battalion Sappers

Second Division

General of Division Joseph Souham

    Left Brigade General of Brigade François Goullus

        83rd Demi Brigade, Line Infantry (3 battalions)
        7th Demi Brigade, Line Infantry (2 battalions)
        6th Dragoons (4 squadrons)

    Right Brigade General of Brigade Charles Mathieu Isidore Decaen

        2nd Demi Brigade, Light Infantry (3 battalions)
        1st Dragoons (4 squadrons)
        2nd Foot Artillery (15th Company)
        7th Horse Artillery Unit (13th Company)

Third Division

General of Division Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr

    General of Brigade Frédéric Henri Walther

        108th Demi Brigade, Line Infantry (3 battalions)
        2nd Dragoon Regiment

    General of Brigade Claude Juste Alexandre Legrand

        11th Demi Brigade, Light Infantry (2 battalions)
        1st Demi Brigade, Line Infantry (2 battalions)
        8th Chasseurs à Cheval (4 squadrons)
        10th Chasseurs à Cheval (4 squadrons)
        2 Foot Artillery Units
        1 Horse Artillery Units

Cavalry Reserves

General of Division Jean-Joseph Ange d'Hautpoul

        1st Carabiniers Regiment
        2nd Carabiniers Regiment
        4th Cavalry Regiment
        6th Cavalry Regiment
        7th Cavalry Regiment
        8th Cavalry Regiment
        23rd Cavalry Regiment
        25th Cavalry Regiment
        6th Horse Artillery (5th company)
        7th Horse Artillery (2nd company)
        3rd Foot Artillery (2nd and 3rd company)
        3rd Battalion Sappers

Detached Flank Corps

General of Division Dominique Vandamme

        1st Light Infantry (2 battalions)
        8th Demi Brigade, light infantry (3 battalions)
        50th Demi Brigade, light infantry (3 battalions each)
        1 Squadron Dragoons
        1 Foot Artillery Unit
        8th or 10th Chasseurs a Cheval (1 squadron)

Austrian Army

Field Marshal Archduke Charles Commander in Chief (80,000 men)
53,870 infantry
14,900 cavalry
3,565 artillery
Total=72,335, with 114 guns[2]

Advanced Guard

    Lt. Field Marshal Friedrich Joseph, Count of Nauendorf

    Major General Maximilian, Count of Merveldt

    Major General Merveldt

        Freikorps (independent corps) Wurmser (12 companies)
        1st Hussars Kaiser (8 squadrons)
        1st Lancers Merveldt (8 squadrons)
        13th Border Infantry Regiment Wallachian Illyrian (1st Battalion)

    Major General Joseph Kempf (commanded a portion of Petrasch's division, included in the advanced guard)

        1st Infantry Regiment Kaiser (3 battalions)
        31st Infantry Regiment Benjowsky (2 battalions)

Right Wing

Feldzeugmeister Olivier, Count of Wallis

    Lt. Field Marshal Karl Aloys zu Fürstenberg

        Colonel Joseph Ulm

            35th Infantry Regiment Wenkheim (3 battalions)

        Major General Ludwig von Vogelsang

            21st Infantry Regiment Gemmingen (3 battalions)
            42nd Infantry Regiment Erbach (2 battalions)

    Lt. Field Marshal Franz, Baron von Petrasch

        Major General Kempf

            Two regiments detached to advance guard
            49th Infantry Regiment Kerpen (2 battalions)

    Lt. Field Marshal Augustus Christian Frederick, Duke of Anhalt-Köthen

        Major General Andreas O'Reilly von Ballinlough

            6th Light Dragoons Coburg (6 squadrons)

        Major General Franz Roë (or Anton?)

            2nd Light Dragoons, Archduke Ferdinand (6 squadrons)

    Lt. Field Marshal Johann Sigismund Riesch

        Major General Frederick Louis, Prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen

            9th Cuirassier Regiment Nassau-Usingen (6 squadrons)
            10th Cuirassier Regiment Mack (6 squadrons)

Reinforced Forward Line

Lt. Field Marshal Nauendorf

            12th Infantry Regiment Manfredini (3 battalions)

        Major General Ignaz Gyulai

            6th Border Infantry Regiment Warasdin St. George (1st Battalion)
            8th Border Infantry Regiment Gradiska (3rd Battalion)
            16th Border Infantry Regiment Siebenburg-Wallachian (1st Battalion)

        Major General Michael von Kienmayer

            3rd Hussars Erzherzog Karl d'Este (8 squadrons)
            10th Hussars Meszaros (8 squadrons)

        Major General Christoph Karl von Piacsek

            Tirolean Jägers (3 companies)
            5th Light Battalion Radivojevich (6 companies)
            12th Border Hussars Croatian Slavic (6 squadrons)

    Lt. Field Marshal Siegfried Kospoth (of the Reserve)

        Major General Joseph Spiegelberg

            12th Light Dragoons Kinsky (6 squadrons)

        Major General Friedrich Joseph Ludwig of Hessen-Homburg

            11th Light Dragoons Latour (6 squadrons)

        Major General Franz Ludwig Sebottendorf

            2nd Infantry Regiment Archduke Ferdinand (3 battalions)


    Lt. Field Marshal Vinzenz Kolowrat-Liebsteinsky

        Grenadier Battalion Tegethoff (20th, 22nd, and 29th)
        Grenadier Battalion Bojaowsky (1st 7th and 12th)
        Grenadier Battalion Teschner (3rd, 35th and 50th)
        Grenadier Battalion Lippe (2nd, 31st and 60th)
        Grenadier Battalion Sebottendorf (41st, 49th and 56th)
        Grenadier Battalion Juch (21st, 42, and 54th)

Left Wing

Lt. Field Marshal Joseph Staader

Advanced Guard

    Major General Karl Philipp Fürst zu Schwarzenberg

        Border Sharpshooters (4 companies)
        12th Light battalion Rubinitz (6 companies)
        2nd Lancers (6 squadrons)
        4th Hussar Regiment Vecsey (6 squadrons)

Main Force (Left)

    Lt. Field Marshal Louis-Willibrord-Antoine Baillet de Latour

        Major General Anton Ulrich Mylius

            12th Border Infantry Regiment Banat (1st Battalion)
            22nd Infantry Regiment Lacy (3 battalions)
            7th Infantry Regiment Carl Schroeder (3 battalions)

    Lt. Field Marshal Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen

        Major General Karl Friedrich von Lindenau

            3rd Infantry Regiment Erzherzog Karl (3 battalions)
            29th Infantry Regiment Oliver Wallis (3 battalions)

    Lt. Field Marshal Nikolaus Colloredo-Mels

        Major General Prince Franz Seraph of Rosenberg-Orsini

            7th Cuirassiers Lothringen (6 squadrons)
            8th Cuirassiers Hohenzollern (6 squadrons)

    Lt. Field Marshal Alexander of Württemberg

        Major General Johann Jacob Klinglin

            2nd Cuirassiers Archduke Franz d'Este (6 squadrons)
            11th Cuirassiers Ansbach (4 squadrons)

Detached (flanking) force

Lt. Colonel Wiedersberg

        Tirolean Jägers (1 company)
        1st Border Hussars Croatian Slavic (4 squadrons)
        7th Light Dragoons Waldeck (2 squadrons)

Titre: Re : stockach
Posté par: zu Pferd le 16 avril 2013, 15:41:21 pm
can somone make a map or help me make my first battle and how to do it. also getting the boo and such in the right place please

Hello Malo,

I've worked out a map for Stockach. I use the term map loosely :D
2 Problems:   Austrian Reinforcements Column (Hotze) will not arrive in the proper side
of the map ie the French rear (South East ) this is because this version of HW gives you 2 LOP lines
but it does not give you the option to decide which of the two you want to use for Reinforcement point of entry.

Lake Constance, albeit just a part of it in the HW map can't be rendered  even if I gave you the SciLab version
you couldn't get the river to run out of it. I attach the map pic. If you are still interested I can post the map in the
depot. I've worked out the oob for the battle and I'm testing it out.
