HistWar (English zone) => General discussions => Discussion démarrée par: Gunner24 le 01 décembre 2009, 17:53:28 pm
I can not see why some of the arrows are yellow and others blue.....there must be a simple reason for this but I've not found it in the manual - anyone know what the difference is, it might be important !.
Yellow is diversion. Red is deployment.
A thin yellow line is a scouting mission. A thin blue arrow is for units ordered to a defensive line. A green line with an arrowhead is for a march order. A thick red line is for an attack on a unit.
Look at AideOrdre.dds in the C:\Program Files\HistWar\HistWar La Demo\Langage\HW\English folder.
how do you actually send them on the mission though? i can draw the lines, but if i left click nothing happens, and right click is for camera controls. "enter" advances the tutorial.... i can't get anything to move lol.
Thanks, I worked them all out except the red and yellow.
i can't get anything to move lol.
Do it on the 2d map, it's as simple as simple can be there, on the 3d view it's pretty hard.
yellow arrows are even for a Diversion order for corps