
HistWar (English zone) => Multiplay => Topic aperto da: KO|Druid - 03 Febbraio 2010, 23:12:42 pm

Titolo: LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: KO|Druid - 03 Febbraio 2010, 23:12:42 pm
Hi lads and ladies(?)

Would many be interested in creating a steam group for us multiplayers?(http://store.steampowered.com/)

Many of us in the Napoleonic gaming community (over 300 ppl over many years) use it very successfully, meeting up to arrange games etc. It could be ideal until we get a dedicated LG lobby of our own.

Please let me know. Even if only a few are interested, it will be worth it methinks
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Broadsword - 03 Febbraio 2010, 23:58:02 pm
Would many be interested in creating a steam group for us multiplayers?(http://store.steampowered.com/)

Many of us in the Napoleonic gaming community (over 300 ppl over many years) use it very successfully, meeting up to arrange games etc. It could be ideal until we get a dedicated LG lobby of our own.

Good idea. I'm already on Steam, and my ID there is Broadsword56.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Gunner24 - 04 Febbraio 2010, 00:28:46 am
Please put me in it if you do one.

Steam chat is excellent, group chat and private chat, in fact that's the best thing about steam !.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: KO|Druid - 04 Febbraio 2010, 01:19:16 am
Willdo chaps.
Adding u Broadsword...i'm KO|AdC|Druid btw 8)

Link here http://steamcommunity.com/groups/HWLG

I've called it Histwar LG Battlegroup for now. We can change it of course. I'll invite you both.

Any who want to, please join up.

To many games ahead!
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Boomer21 - 04 Febbraio 2010, 05:26:08 am
I added myself Leatherneck is my steam Id with the Bavarian infantry Officers 8)

I will be free thursday night and friday all day to fight a few battles. I live in Virginia on the east coast so hopefully I can get a few battles in with people.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 04 Febbraio 2010, 09:19:00 am
Druid good effort.
Group profile status seems public right now... i would suggest making it invite only
but also changing the permissions for invites to all members which gives the best result according to me.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: KO|Druid - 04 Febbraio 2010, 18:15:55 pm
I may change the short name too, to LGBG (LG Battlegroup).

I'll sort out some officers too  :D
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: KO|Druid - 04 Febbraio 2010, 18:23:03 pm
Ok, we have officers, invite only status for now, and permissions for all sorted.

Please request an invite here or on Steam.

Any member can invite. see you in there.
Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 05 Febbraio 2010, 13:53:10 pm
I may change the short name too, to LGBG (LG Battlegroup).
sorry for the crab but Histwar Les Grognards would be better  ;)
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: KO|Druid - 05 Febbraio 2010, 21:36:01 pm
I doubt we will be the only LG steam group in time to come. Thought it might be prudent to have an original and good fighting title 8)
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: trw2264 - 06 Febbraio 2010, 20:54:41 pm
I joined Steam - trw2264- I would like an invite please.

Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Gunner24 - 06 Febbraio 2010, 21:04:46 pm
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: mitra - 16 Febbraio 2010, 18:35:51 pm
Steam ID mitra-ITA
Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 17 Febbraio 2010, 06:48:26 am
Steam ID mitra-ITA
invitation sent.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Jammybee - 10 Marzo 2010, 19:48:07 pm
Jammybee, if this is still active :)
Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 12 Marzo 2010, 09:17:21 am
Jammybee, if this is still active :)
invitation sent.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Spjut - 21 Marzo 2010, 00:32:25 am
Invite me please. I would love to try a battle against some humans.

I am called Spjut41st in Steam

Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 22 Marzo 2010, 10:25:14 am
Invite me please. I would love to try a battle against some humans.

I am called Spjut41st in Steam


invitation sent!
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: the_Paraclete - 28 Marzo 2010, 10:01:01 am

Stream ID:    the Paraclete
Invite please
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Seydlitz - 28 Marzo 2010, 19:03:54 pm
Plz invite me, Steam id: Crinius
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: GrosPaul - 29 Marzo 2010, 09:26:09 am
Can LG be played through Steam, when MP will be sorted out ??? I don't think so else why then try Hamachi, Stunngle ... ?

Consequently, please would you explain to my slow brain, why to create a group at Steam ?
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 29 Marzo 2010, 10:05:46 am
I think this group is for the ones who dont want to use Hamachi for MP games so steam chat room can be used to organise battles.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Gunner24 - 29 Marzo 2010, 13:16:29 pm
Steam does have an excellent chat system which can be usefull.
Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 31 Marzo 2010, 08:50:46 am
Stream ID:    the Paraclete
Invite please
Plz invite me, Steam id: Crinius
Titolo: Re : Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: gazfun - 03 Aprile 2010, 04:57:57 am
Steam ID mitra-ITA
how is this working ok?
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Bucatus - 20 Aprile 2010, 20:32:02 pm
Hi folks

Can you invite me too? I would like to try mp also.  Steam account is Buxator.

Furthermore I would be glad for instructions on how to do / get into mp

Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Cavalier - 26 Aprile 2010, 12:19:11 pm
My steam id is "Cavalier - Stevo". Please send me an invite.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: ges - 26 Aprile 2010, 18:04:34 pm
I'm interested, too.  Never used Steam before, but just set up an account for playing LG.

User name:  geslg
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 27 Aprile 2010, 07:42:19 am
all invitations sent.

Gents, as mp not working properly right now steam is not used but after mp is fixed i am sure that ll be very helpful using the histwar chat room.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 09 Luglio 2010, 08:21:42 am
There are now 32 MP gamers here ready to fight.    
As free hamachi rooms have a limit of "16" members, steam chat room has no limit. ;) We can meet here easily,thnks Druid.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 14 Luglio 2010, 11:17:57 am
Is it possible to make this topic sticky ?
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AJ - 14 Luglio 2010, 17:16:05 pm
I personally feel that "Teamspeak3" is a superior meeting room than Steam. http://www.teamspeak.com/ download the Client program (32 or 64 bit), click on connections upper left of menu...click on connect ....type in the following numbers into the required boxes

Port: 4142

You are then in "Paladins Bar and Grill" (Uhlanen), bookmark in the menu, scroll down to the bottom and double click on "NBC Multiplayer lobby".  Uhlanen has put in considerable effort creating this meeting room, so at least give it a try. If you don't like Audio Chat (with a mic), you can stick to the IM Chat.

Unlike Steam, you don't have to buy a game to use all the features of Teamspeak, not only is it a game lobby but it has Audio Chat (great for team tactics conferences), standard IM and the ability to upload files such as OOB's, doctrines, maps etc..
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 14 Luglio 2010, 17:32:14 pm
Indeed! After AJ told me i joined TS, easy to use and has lots of advantages compared to others.
Just, it would be good if Uhlanen create a room with a name something "Histwar Multiplayer lobby" or similiar. ;)
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Gunner24 - 14 Luglio 2010, 18:48:07 pm
Good work Uhlanen/AJ....this is on my list of things to do between playing and watching the golf over the next 4 days, it would seem steam is no use unless you already have a game registered there.

This TS does sound a lot better.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AnkLrd - 16 Luglio 2010, 14:55:16 pm
i think transfering OOB and Doctrines before the battle is possible with TS3, right?
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: bibouba - 16 Luglio 2010, 16:07:30 pm
Can I join you on the steamgroup ?
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AJ - 16 Luglio 2010, 18:14:09 pm
Bibouba, Teamspeak3 is far better than Steam. NBC has adopted it as the official meeting place. you can IM, use Audio chat AND transfer OOB's and Doctrines etc...Read my post below for instructions
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: bibouba - 16 Luglio 2010, 20:27:00 pm
thx a lot
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: bibouba - 18 Luglio 2010, 14:45:27 pm
Download it, and waiting now for a game :)
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AJ - 20 Agosto 2010, 03:44:42 am
After a lot of trying the different systems, NBC finally decided on Xfire as our meeting place and Voice/IM comms system.
A small unobtrusive free program, lobbies are already  created for "nbc multiplay lobby, nbc france, nbc allies, histwarles gronards". Any Clan/Club can form thier own lobbies. The voice chat is reliable and especially good with a cheap headset/mic combo and IM chat is standard.

NBC meet most mornings at 0600 hrs pst and 1200 hrs pst, anybody is welcome to join us and try an MP batlle. Just click the "Chat Rooms button" (2nd down on the left) and double click "nbc multiplayer lobby".
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Cavalier - 21 Agosto 2010, 11:40:25 am
Yep, just discovered it. Will download and join tonight. I now have multiplayer working and need oppononets and allies! See you on the battlefield.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AJ - 21 Agosto 2010, 14:51:17 pm
Yep, just discovered it. Will download and join tonight. I now have multiplayer working and need oppononets and allies! See you on the battlefield.

Cav, you don't have to be a Clan/Club member to join in an XFIRE Battle, just be around there in the NBC or Histwar Multiplayer Lobb (find lobbies by clicking 2nd tab doen from the left) around 0600 pst or 1200 pst and you can usually join in a battle
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: Gunner24 - 21 Agosto 2010, 16:29:52 pm
Cav, you don't have to be a Clan/Club member to join in an XFIRE Battle
As AJ says, you don't have to, but I can almost promise you will get more enjoyment if you do join one, anyone, whichever looks to suit you best.

Please take a look at the nbc site, and the others as well, to see if one of them looks right for your level of interest.
Titolo: Re : LG Steam Group for meeting up and game prep
Inserito da: AJ - 21 Agosto 2010, 16:54:01 pm
As AJ says, you don't have to, but I can almost promise you will get more enjoyment if you do join one, anyone, whichever looks to suit you best.

Please take a look at the nbc site, and the others as well, to see if one of them looks right for your level of interest. 

As Gunner says, it is easier to get games when you belong to one and they are all different, something to suit all.
At the moment the non members get to pick up the odd games